This is a very powerful blend if you know the direction you want to go but paralyzing fears, connection to expectations, self doubt, and mistrust of intuition keep you from doing so.
This blend is designed specifically for you to help you keep energy circulating and moving, to keep a continuous loop going so you can process through and actually release attachments to old thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors associated.
Use this oil mindfully as you begin to call in your spiritual support and begin to meditate. This is also powerful if you set aside time to sit with feelings and thoughts around healing and be still. Pay attention to what comes to you and allow yourself time to release.
✨Liquid support for times of shifting and major transitions✨Daily use magnetizes you to transformation through vibrational attraction✨Attracts and lays groundwork for deep upgrades✨Supports you through surrender✨Infused with reiki energy and surrounded with sacred geometry
- Use this blend before bed each night until bottle is empty to allow blend to lay groundwork, support your process, and guide you into integration.
- This is an excellent choice for healers to offer clients during workshops or retreats to help support transformation.